Checking Your Levels
If you regularly
check you oil and water levels, unnecessary damage to your car can
be avoided. This is especially important in older cars. You should
check the oil and water levels once every fortnight.
Checking your oil:
For your safety, Do not
check your levels when the engine is still hot. Make sure the engine
is cool before you carry out the following steps.
Your car will have a
dipstick located in the engine somewhere. It will stick out and may
have a coloured handle. Refer to your car handbook if you are unable
to find it. Take this out and wipe the oil from it with a rag. Then
replace it fully, pull it out again and check that the top of the
oil mark lies between the upper and lower limits. If it is below the
minimum, you need to top up your oil immediately. The oil reservoir
will usually have a screw cap located near the dipstick. Top up with
the correct oil for your car - again, your handbook will tell you
the type of oil suited to your car.
Checking your water:
It is important to
maintain the water level in the cooling system of your car. The
water will need anti-freeze mixed with it (one part anti-freeze to
two parts water). The anti-freeze is particularly important during
the winter but it also does your engine good to have throughout the
year to prevent rusting on the inside of the radiator.
Click here for more safety checks and ways to
keep your car in top condition
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